For our task we was given a title of a film 'BLOODSHED HIGH' and needed to create a trailer, plan of a trailer, using conventions to market and promote the film.
At first we we created a storyline. We had group discussion about what our plot should be and came up with: One by one teenage students are being killed off by an unknown killer. Police look into the situation, and conduct an investigation to find out who it is. The jock gets found dead in the locker/changing room, his friends suspect his death is not a accidental, but that he was murdered. The protagonist(his girlfriend) finds out someone is setting traps to cause the accidental deaths of the students, she has to prove it before she dies.
Characters within the film: JOCK, FINAL GIRL(girlfriend), POPULAR GIRL, NEERDY BOY, CARETAKER.
Then we plotted our storyline onto our storyboards. Choosing the right shots to used within a trailer, what transitions would be used between, music, sound effects and typography act.
After we came up with a narrative we used Todorov's theory to plan out our story onto a grid. With a Trailer only some of Todorov's theory can be applied, however the return to a new equilibrium cannot be applied.
Our Unique selling point was the famous actors staring in our film, at first we chose Zac Efron and Selena Gomez. However, after we thought that Annalynne Mccord as we saw her more as a promotional tool for marketing our film. Our trailer uses conventions of a horror such as blood and gore(shot 6+11), mystery of the killer using lighting and shadows, stock characters using costume seen coming off the bus in shot 4. The trailer we created is used as a promotional tool within our marketing campaign using famous stars to hock our audience.
From this task I learnt that a lot of planning needs to go into planning a trailer, even just decided the plot. Also how within a trailer not all the narrative theory applies as trailers do not run liner and do not show the end as thats their hock to get people to go and watch the film.
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