Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Poster Sub Genres

By looking a film poster you should be able to identify which genre or sub genre the film is. 

Comedy Horror 

 From analysing this poster I can tell this film is a comedy as the supposed 'killers' are warm looking    characters who look quite simple and dumb. which is not the standard horror killer. Also the use of the blonde bimbo in her under wear.   

Splatter Horror 

 When analysing this poster the main image tells the audience that this is a splatter horror, as the use of the leather mask being tied round his head. This gives the idea of torture and therefore blood and gore. 

Psychological Horror  

 This poster conveys a strong psychological horror genre because of the black background and the ghost like ring around the title. The title itself is written in childlike writing, creating a strong psychological feel of the film. 

Slasher Horror

By having the iconic symbol of the blade in the killers hand shows how it is a slasher.

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