Our First session at films cool was with Christine Blundell who is top of her game as a make up artists. She has work on films such as Sherlock Homes and works very closely with Mike Lee and his films. She showed us different types of make up she does and the effects and lengths she goes to to create the best effects and make up. Such as, a fake leg which has been mangled at the stump and the knee mashed in. We saw how much detail is use where there was fine hair all over the leg so that the camera is able to shot up close. Christine told us before she even has an idea for anything she creates she has to go through discussions with the director, fine out about the character, and also how close they are going to want to shot so she can know how much detail to put into it. So now time and money is wasted. That was very beneficial because I learnt that before we decide even what make up to use we need to plan out our plot, characters profiles and create a storyboard.
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