Sunday, 30 September 2012

Analysis of 'The Amazing Spiderman' trailer using codes and conventions

'The Amazing Spiderman' trailer uses a voiceover throughout. The voiceover is usually a deep american male voice, which tells us about the narrative of the film, which stars are acting in it and also the release date. Its also has many other functions. However, this trailer subverts from the norm of voiceovers using a characters voice to tell the narrative and doesn't indulge in any other functions. The effect we get from this is an intimacy with the character and the film. This brings the audience into the narrative of the film and takes away from the actual release of the film. "This life is not an easy one" sets the film up for a struggle and discovery. This makes sure the audience are anticipating what the storyline is about and what happens in the film to co-inside with this statement.

Another convention within this trailer is the pace of editing. The slow pace at the beginning captures the audience for whats to come as they expect the climax to reached and it keeps them in suspense. As the trailer goes on the action shots are where the pace of editing quickens and again slows for the more intense clips of trailer, ie not Spiderman in action. This tells the audience that the films not all action, flying around buildings and that there is a backstory to be told and discovered. Which may be emotional. By the end of the trailer there is a montage of 9 different shot within 7 seconds. The effect of the very fast editing is that it finally climaxes and ends with a bang as the editing never slows at the end.

The pace of editing is closely linked to the music of the trailer. By starting of slower and very quite at the beginning co-insides with not only the editing pace but also the montage of images and the voiceover. The effect this places on the audience is that of a eerie beginning to the film and helps create knowing and want for knowing, involving suspense. The music then gets louder with definite crashes and bangs, along side getting more up tempo, following the pace of editing. The music does not quieten or soften for the ending but gets faster and louder to go with the moving images. The effect of the music here and how it ends so abruptly, is it leaves the audience wanting to find out what happens as the end sequence including the music has built up to a crescendo only to stop suddenly. This succeeds its aim to real the audience in using the excitement of the music.  

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