Friday, 30 November 2012

Filming day 3

Day 3 filming was a very busy day. We first used our lesson to film down in the void retaking shot that were to dark and not right from day one of filming. We reshot Kevins hanging scene making it look more realistic and after deciding to change it to hanging with his hands we again decided to change it back to being hung by his neck. It looked better on the camera and made the scene more shocking and effective. The shot is not a close up so does not linger on the detail of the hanging. Also we filmed Jessica running through the void, this is not on our story board but was a nice fill out shot that can be used for extra footage content.

At lunch we stayed down in the void and got the shots of Brad and Julie tied up together. We chose this shot because as boyfriend and girlfriend with the trailer we have show then happy and alive together and then dead/dying together. The way in which Julie screams is a panicked confused scream which contrasts nicely with Jessica's loud erratic screams.

After school we went up to Hampstead Heath to film our forest scenes. We filmed all the scenes we went to film despite the cold weather. With the scene were Kevin turns around to see the killer we decided that we might have to use some foley sound over the stop to make the snapping of the twig loud, which is the trigger for him turning round.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Typography within the trailer

We came up with a few idea for the titles that should come up in our trailer. For example 'What are you willing to sacrifice for a quicker route'. But instead we decided on 'Know where your going' and highlighting the 'no where' either using a red colouring or letting the rest of the letters fade away leaving the message and answer of 'no where'. We also will use this typography as the tagline to our film, and therefore showing consistancy and continuity for our film campaign.

Update to the production schedule

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Magazine research and analysis

I looked at three well established movie magazines when doing my research. To do that well they must have done something right so to copy them or take ideas from their covers would mean our magazine cover promoting our trailer/film would look as professional. The magazines I used were: EmpireTotal Film and Entertainment Weekly.

Filming day 2

Today in the lesson we decided to go back down into the void and film some more and get the image for our poster/teaser trailer, despite not being on the production scheduled. We realised after filming one of the scenes that the sound was to quite and couldn't be heard clearly. This means that we will have to edited over sound when putting the trailer together so that what is said is heard clearly and effectively. 

Wole and Ms holding up the prop acting as the slamming door. Oliver filming.

Me and Alomgir on set during filming.

Oliver filming the close up.

Taking the poster picture.

Filming on set.

Teaser poster research

Evil Dead Movie Poster    
We liked he idea of one main image with the writing over the top. This would be our teaser poster as it wouldn't feature the title or if it did would be small at the bottom. 


Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Creating Production company 'Mad world productions'

We took two pictures one of the earth and one of a spiral. We got our inspiration from the song Mad world. The twisted theme to the song not only was a stimulus for our trailer but could follow through to our production company.  

By using after effects we was able to animate the two pictures together and have the world turn into a spiral. Symbolizing a mad world literally                                   

Poster tagline idea?


We decided to use this as gave continuity with the trailer and film campagin to have the tagline and titles within the trailer be the same and conote the same message.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Inspiration for shots and pictures

This shot of the girl in 'House at the end of the street' was a good inspiration for a shot to use in our trailer, as it shows the final girl getting held hostage by the killer.
This iconic scene form the 'shinning' was our inspiration and idea for our teaser poster image.

Slight changes

When filming we found that the hanging by the throat wasn't going to look effective as to make it look realistic was to much of a task. So instead we tied his hands together and hung him from them. This infers that he was more tortured then just hung. Also this makes it easier to rate our trailer a 15 and won't be pushed to be changed to an 18.


Today we went down into the void to film some scenes for our trailer. We had to adapt the make up to the scenes we was doing and so that the could pick up subtle bruising and cuts. We did each shot a few times getting different angles. So that when it comes to putting the trailer together we have enough footage to edit and work with.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Certification for our trailer

We decided to certificate our film trailer a 15 because we felt it fitted with the BBFC guidlines for a 15. The BBFC is the British Board of Film Classification, originally British Board of Film Censors, is a non governmental organisation. It is funded by the film industry and is responsible for the national classification of films within the UK. 

The main sections of the 15 certification guidelines that effected our trailer the most were Horror, Imitable behavior and violence.

Horror: It states that strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised. Within our trailer there is no threats shown of the killer and victims and the menace permitted is not sexualised in any way and is hardly sadistic from what is going to be shown. 

Imitable behavior: The main issue was that it includes 'hanging' and we feature 'hanging' in our trailer. It states that it should not dwell on detail which could be copied. The shot of the 'hanging' is not glamorised and is not seen in detail so wouldn't be seen to be copied. Another characters body is lifting the hanging body up so blocks the actual hanging legs of the character. You get the idea that he is hanging but not a detailed shot of how he is hanging. 

Violence: The violence may be strong but shouldn't dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The injuries within our trailers are not that majorly gory or seen in detail. Also the violence in our trailer is not sexualised or strongly sadistic. The scuffle between the killer and character 'Johnny' is in detailed and is more of a push and pulling then a blow to blow fight. 

Friday, 23 November 2012

Inspiration- The breakfast club trailer

The first 30 seconds of this trailer shows each character and their reaction to the teacher and what he is saying. We are going to copy the beginning shots for our trailer to show how our characters react to what the teacher is saying. Like The Breakfast Club these shots should signify and portray their  personalities.

Production Schedule for the next 2 weeks

For each day we was going to film we listed what characters where going to be needed, what scenes we were going to film, what location was going to be used and if any props and make up effects for these scenes are needed.

By the end of the next two weeks we would hopefully have film the majority of our scenes and left to film the few extra scenes that are left.

SCRIPT for Shortcuts

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Working with Celtx on our script

 Using Celtx made creating the script a lot easier as it had the correct layout and add ons to help us produce a  professional looking script.  

Friday, 16 November 2012

Title and Typography research analysis


The basic processess uses five stages of assessment:
-identify the hazard
-evaluate the risk
-develop and action plan
-enforce the plan on site
-review you plan
Hazards are anything which might endager a person or could cause a normally safe piece of equipment to become dangerous.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Uses and Gratification theory- applied

The uses and gratifications that apply to my trailer are:

DIVERSION- A form of escape or release from everyday pressures.
Our target audience will use our trailer to watch for enjoyment and fun.

PERSONAL IDENTITY- the ability to compare one's own life with the characters and situations portrayed. For example the girls watching may identify with the popular girl, seeing they are like her in some ways.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Mood board for target audeince

Moodboard for target audience and trailer.

Our target audience is for teenagers aged around 15 years old. They use the stock characters within our film trailer to relate to to themselves. The themes within our trailer are also there for the audience to enjoy. For example, the prom crown is reference to the popular girl, the snapback hats refer to the iconic jock of our story. Also the chains and ropes signify the torture theme of our plot line.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Christine Blundel's make up studio

We went to Christine's make up studio and explained to her bout our story and the deaths within our trailers. Then a graduate was assigned to us and they helped us more I'm detail to chose what effects to use and how we could do it, without spending a lot of money. For example, how to give the effect of Chinese burns. Little tips like how to make speckled blood, by get a old paintbrush dipping it in watered red food colouring and flick onto the part of the body of choice. Also using a toothbrush to make the effect of scraps.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Aperture experiments and Binary Oppositions

Levis Strauss identified the binary oppositions theory. He suggested that many narratives can be understood by the conflict created by two opposite forces. For example:

  1. Good vs Evil
  2. Light vs Dark
  3. Love vs Hate 
For a horror the binary oppositions you would most likely see are Good vs Evil, Natural vs Supernatural, Survival vs Death. 

It can help show a relationship between two characters that couldn't be displayed through dialogue or actions  So within the trailer or the film the binary opposition is conveyed. 

By using the PULL FOCUS on a camera we was able to pull different people in and out of focus. This is a good way to highlight the binary opposition. For example by having someone in focus at the fore front of the camera then going out of focus to relveal an in focus character behind the

Thursday, 8 November 2012