Monday, 17 December 2012

filming day 5

During the day we went over the classroom scene and added in close ups and changed the tones of some of the dialogue said in the scene. Also we got cut away shots of a phone being fiddled with to show the target audience and reiterate the type of characters within the trailers. At lunch we did the scene where we all walk down the side road and the key line 'I think I know a shortcut'.  We did a close up low shot of our feet walking, and a close up of Kevin while he says the line. After school we went Tuffnel Park playing fields to film the door scene as we found door that fitted the description that we wanted. We film us walking up to the door and also once there looking behind us to check if anyone is there. 

Location for our street scene.
Use of a tripod.

Showing camera being used hand held. 

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Poster inspiration

We decided to use this poster to as it was different from other horror poster we had looked at but also being a horror film meant that it must have worked. We liked the way two images faded into one another and this gave us a challenge on Photoshop to get the same type of effect. 

making of the magazine cover

Photo for the magazine cover

The photo for the magazine shows the main girl screaming and a shadow of a weapon. This still keeps the killer a mystery for the audience. We had to make the shadow more pronounced because when put onto the magazine template the title covers it. So in photoshop we coloured in the shadow with a shading tool. 

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Filming day 4

Todays filming was void based as we filmed Jessica's scenes. The chair scene proved most difficult as we had to decide what angle to film at which looked more effective and whether to zoom(in to out or out to in) also the closeness of the shot. We decided to cover all bases and film from different angles and take close ups, mids shots and zooms so that when editing we had a choice of what to use and what worked better with he rest of the footage.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Dying Dreams production logo

After effects has helped us create both our production logo animations. This logo uses a more iconic horror figure of a skull which represents death and is a good logo to be used for our trailer.

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Another song choice

We have decided that the music we want to actually use within our trailer needed to be more thrilling and uptempo then Mad World. However we have not completly abandoned Mad world as it still is the key fixture to our story line and theme.

Eddplant untitled (cant find the words)