Wednesday, 11 July 2012

The Prelim Task

This is our prelim task showing a continuity sequence which sticks to the brief and uses many of the skill leaned over the few weeks of A2 teaching and learning.

Prelim Brief

Brief-The Meeting

To create a short sequence with evidence of continuity editing and a complete narrative. Using foley Sound, Planning, Continuity editing and diegetic and non diegetic sound. Showing how you can apply the skills learnt. 

Transition from AS to A2.

In the last couple of weeks of school we have been learning skills to take through into year 13. As the jump from AS to A2 is quite hard and new skills and adapting is needed. We learnt skills such as how to apply continuity editing using a story board exercise which we later use when planning our short film sequences. Also we learnt about structuring arguments and documentaries and the characteristics they have and how they are edited. To do this we watched a number of clips from documentaries including Micheal Moore's Bowling for columbine. We then used the voice over which is used as we saw in many documentaries and talked through the introduction scenes of a Olympic free running sequence. Another skill that was taught within these couple of weeks was Foley sound development. We watched the short film Doppelganger which shows how every sound made in films can be made and used to be put over the top of the existing real sound that you wouldn't hear clearly. We again used this when making our short film and added in footsteps where we see the boy walking as the camera is not able to pic up the sound and give it the same affect that it would give if able to be heard. The last technique and skill that we learnt within this time was using the planning techniques, cameras to edited a continuous sequence.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Introduction- introducing me.

My name is Poppy Miles and I am studying the A2 media course. I will be looking to show my research, planning and production work in posts over time on my blog. Using a range of different blogging techniques. I hope to develop key and new skills though out this year, which in turn will help me create the best possible horror trailer.